Saturday, 25 August 2012

Switch on 
On that day I was bit exciting like a kid !! .I don't know what to expected to hear from the Cochlear implant so is should be very interesting .I have four video switch on .I was smiling like a chesire cat .
This is first sound of beeping test
Beeping test continue
Halfway through hear 1st time everything switch on
switch on continue

After the switch on   :) well what can i say ? WOW .At first i had to do beeping test on different pitches to make sure that i am comfortable with loud sound.After the beeping test is time to switch on .It is very strange listening people talking but in time is will get better that for sure .To be honest i can hear it well with some sound are very sensitivity which i don't have with the hearing aid.It is very different sound hearing aid and cochlear implant .I not telling you anymore so you will find out for yourself :D while u go for switch on ;) .When i left the hospital two annoy sound were bothering me was bus and train brake squealling cos is so senitivie sound in my ear so i asked my father that the bus and train brake squealing are nightmare to listen, My father reply to me welcome to hearing world ha :) i think he was so right .
Sound i never heard off before - train brakes squealing, i was walking and hit the stone or pebble all i could hear knocking noise .i stopped & try again hit (my feet) stone and hear the same thing WOW
i am struggling to hear what the tv sound so in time u will hear the tv sound cos i am not ready yet so have to be patience .Music - I do recognise my favourite music but little bit hit and miss .
thank steven

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